Great Morning! Who Said It Had to be Good!

Great morning! Who said it had to be good!
Your words form your world and oftentimes we say things just
because we heard somebody else say it. I wonder if we understand
the impact of repeating things in our lives
Just because we heard somebody else say it.

Everything in creation started out with a word. Someone thought it, then
someone spoke it, and then it became a part of life.
So one day while I was routinely saying good morning I
asked myself if it could be a good morning, then why can’t
it be a great morning? With that epiphany, I adopted the
phrase “great morning” versus “good morning”, because everyday
I not only want to have a good day, but I aspire to
have a great day.

My desire is for you to start your day with reading a page from
this devotional that pertains to you, and set your expectations
for a great day. As you read this book, my wish, prayer, desire
is for you to wake up each and every day, not only expecting a
good morning but a great morning!

Therefore, I say to you this morning and every morning, great
morning! Who said it had to be good?